Thursday, January 7, 2010

November/December Reflection

My absolute favorite project in November and December was Scratch. I understood the program very well and was able to use it effectively. To be able to use a program like Scratch, I had to be very creative and innovative, to think of ways around obstacles. I also had to be able to problem solve and make decisions on what I was going to make, how I was going to make it, and to fix problems with it after it was created. Scratch had to do with technology operations and concepts very directly, because without knowledge of how to operate computers at a slightly more advanced level, this would have been impossible.

From this project I learned how to operate technology on a higher level. I learned how to make things move in response to something you do, or by itself. I am most proud of my Pong program, although it has some bugs, it is still quite fun and it was very complicated to make. I am very happy with my work for the reason that it makes me happy to use pong, and it was fun making it. This why my scratch project was my favorite of November and December, adn the rest of the year.

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